Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Mayor JJ - is he joking?

I thought the fever pitch of complaints and positive comments about the posture Mayor Jon Joslin took regarding the proposed body art palor in downtown Mt Pleasant would fade away, like a cheap tattoo. But the issue has really gotten under the skin of area residents.

Two weeks had past and people were still sounding off in the local newspaper. Now more positive comments were being printed. Which opened my eyes to a more honest view of the situation. This is a small town and a local politician (not public servant) is going to massage the system to benefit his or her personal agenda. Not much different that Breckenridge or Lansing.

However, two years ago the Morning Sun wrote in the January 15, 2006 edition that Joslin said one of the mayor's primary responsibilities is to act as the face of the city to other communities and other governments, particularly the state.

Some think its the face of a joker the mayor is wearing. What do you think?

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