Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Grass is Greener

Here is a secret - The Chartered Township of Union is my real home. Mt Pleasant is my mailing address. Mt Pleasant is the essense of our world here in the near middle of Michigan. Living outside the city limits of Mt Pleasant MI in Union township is wonderful. There is a great sense of freedom. But at the same time, we experience some limitiations. This year residents of Union Township Michigan are under an outside water use ration program.

I was glad to read the notice in early June. What a crazy ritual it is to water the lawn daily so it grows lush and green, then spend hours of time mowing the lawn, gallons of gas powering the mower; pumping pounds of air pollution into the air at the same time. Hold it a minute. I think God wants the grass to be green in the spring and the fall. Its not like the lawn is dead, its dormant. Each summer I have seen the lawn turn yellow and come back green as Ireland in the fall. Its actually a beautiful chain of events.

About thirty percent of the residents in this subdivision don't water their lawns so I am not alone. But in my immediate block, my lawn stands out. But to me its a badge of environmental honor. I want to contact the other non-waterers and have a get together. We could celebrate the earth, the water we are saving the the pollution we are keeping out of the air. We certainly have time to get together. Not like our watering neighbors whom have to spend an hour every couple days mowing the lawn...and one guy has to rake the windrows of grass after he mows. Holy cow.

The grass is greener on the other side of my property line, but I don't care. I celebrate the fact. Join me and reduce your water use. Its one way to make the planet a better place to live.

I have reduced my use of water for lawn care. Here is another secret: I do water my lawn. But not every day. Once a week is about as often as I to it. The main reason water the lawn less frequently is that I want to use less water and protect the planet. Another reason is thatI must drag the sprinkler around. Thank goodness the original owner of this house did not install the underground sprinkler system. I would rather stay away from the tempatation of convenience when it comes to watering the lawn.

What do you think?

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