Tuesday, January 16, 2007

An Odd and Even Day

The days in Mt Pleasant Mi lately have been odd and even days. I say that because when you look odd & even are numbers, numbers aren't based on reality, but based on themselves; concepts & representations of things.

So, odd & even are a step further in representing a representation of a thing...Great things are happening at the Broadway Theatre - the volunteers have repainted the main floor and the side walls of the house. Se some great pics at www.friendsofthebroadway.org.

Back to odd and even numbers - Consider the number 1 - it's a place holder, for a single quantity of "something"...similar with 2, which is a placeholder for two quantities of the same thing. However, the problem is that you can't have two items that are exactly the same, according to the laws of physics, because they're made up of different sets of atoms. Thus the two objects which make up the "pair" of objects, while close, are not exactly the same.

It takes more than one person to make the Broadway work. It takes dozens and dozens of volunteers. Two volunteers are not the same, they may be similar and have similar interests, but certainly, no two Broadway volunteers are the same.

Volunteers are always welcome. Come join us at the Broadway Theatre in Mt. Pleasant.

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